Secondment Agreements

Secondment agreements: What you need to know

If you work for a multinational company or are considering expanding your business abroad, you may come across the concept of secondment agreements. This article will explain what secondment agreements are, why they are used, and what you should include in a secondment agreement.

What is a secondment agreement?

A secondment agreement is a legal document that sets out the terms and conditions under which an employee is temporarily transferred from their home country or company to work for another entity in a different location. The employee remains employed by their home company but works for the host company for a specified period of time.

Why are secondment agreements used?

Secondment agreements are used for several reasons, including:

– To facilitate the transfer of knowledge, skills, and expertise between companies

– To provide opportunities for employees to gain international experience

– To meet short-term staffing needs or fill skill gaps in the host company

– To reduce the costs and administrative burden of hiring new staff in a foreign country

What should be included in a secondment agreement?

A secondment agreement should include the following:

1. Parties involved: The names and addresses of the home company, the host company, and the employee being seconded.

2. Duration and termination: The length of the secondment, the start and end dates, and the circumstances under which the secondment can be terminated by either party.

3. Payment and benefits: The employee`s salary and any additional benefits, such as housing, travel expenses, and medical insurance. It should also state which company is responsible for paying these expenses.

4. Tax and social security: The tax and social security arrangements for the seconded employee, including which country is responsible for withholding taxes and making social security contributions.

5. Intellectual property: The ownership of any intellectual property created during the secondment should be clearly defined.

6. Confidentiality and non-compete clauses: Any confidential information that the employee may have access to during the secondment, and any limitations on the employee`s ability to compete with the host company after the secondment ends.

7. Dispute resolution: The process for resolving any disputes that may arise during the secondment.


Secondment agreements are a useful tool for companies that want to expand their business internationally or transfer employees between different locations. However, it is important to have a clear understanding of the terms and conditions of the secondment, and to ensure that the secondment agreement covers all the necessary details. If you are considering using secondment agreements, it is recommended that you seek legal advice to ensure that your agreement complies with local laws and regulations.